Posts tagged #new life

You Can ALWAYS Begin Again...

Ground zero. Starting from where you are......

Its June! We are mid-year already! Soon we'll be raking leaves and shoveling snow (ok...I tend to think a bit far into the future:). It is true that we are at the halfway point of the year. For some, this is a time to enjoy, kick back and relax. For others, its a time to reflect on "New Years resolutions" or goals set and measure progress. However you choose to spend this month, it does represent renewal, new beginnings and time passing.....

In thinking about this, I realize most people have a tendency to look at things through the black/white lens, all or nothing, glass half empty type thinking. What if we looked at the glass as half full and every day, every moment, as a new opportunity to "begin again?"  This concept of beginning again may suggest starting over, but looking is really about just that...beginning again. My interpretation of that is "starting from where you are..." Dont throw away progress made towards the goal. All isnt lost. The glass is half full and there is room for shades of gray. Starting from where you are, means forgetting yesterday and what did or did not happen. Forgetting this morning's wickedly hectic crazy commute which caused you to be late for an important work meeting and....starting from where you are. In this, no matter what has happened, or not, before this present moment, it doesnt matter, because you can simple start from here....

Posted on February 1, 2015 and filed under trauma, therapy, recovery, life.