Posts filed under therapy

Attention Therapists: We MUST talk about the hard, more than ever before....

As a therapists and change agents we get to work with clients daily and witness their stories and transformations. We are equipped to address hard issues, be it depression, addiction, or even trauma with our clients and witness the hard steps taken towards change.  However discussion about issues that impede a person's wholeness and sense of well being are not always about presenting conditions found in the DSM-V. It is equally as important to discuss issues of identity and the reality that our society and the populations we serve still experience disparity in issues related to race, class, gender, power and privilege.  Even still,  these conversations. Trust me..I understand! Below are some considerations I have found useful when starting these conversation in therapy. I would love to hear your thoughts and related experiences. Please share your comments.

8 suggestions for therapists on how to openly discuss race, power, privilege and social class issues in therapy:

1.       Be open minded and curious. Ditch preconceived ideas and beliefs about a person’s race, culture and ethnicity. Make no assumptions about a person’s experience based on their identity.

2.       Consider how racial/ethnic differences between client and therapist might affect the therapy. Discuss openly about race differences (between therapist and client) at the start of treatment. This invites dialogue and communicates an openness, making it clear that the therapist is available for these conversations.

3.       Don’t be discouraged if the client is not interested in discussing these issues right away, if even at all. The impact of making the discussion available is significant in building rapport, demonstrating willingness and establishing trust.

4.       Acknowledge that power, privilege and racism may affect interactions between you and your client. You both may have feelings that get stirred based on your individual experiences. Be aware that conversations about race, power and privilege can be difficult.  Particularly when the therapist is a member of the group benefiting from power discrepancies.

5.        Don’t be surprised by resistance or strong feelings from your client (or you as the therapist). These are delicate and sometimes painful subjects to broach. However in doing so, as mental health professionals, this demonstrates vulnerability and a willingness towards learning; as we are all (hopefully) striving for multicultural humility in our work and interactions.  

6.       If you are wondering whether the discussion is necessary or appropriate; err on the side of Yes! Be willing to take risks with your clients.

7.       Therapists should be self-aware enough to examine any personal reactions or barriers to having such discussions. Seek supervision often around these issues and approach any personal feelings with curiosity.

8.       Be aware that historically, psychotherapy has been a service accessible to mostly those of privileged backgrounds. Although this is changing, many cultures do not view psychotherapy as a viable option. Whether this has to do with limited resources or cultural considerations, therapists should be able to have those discussions with clients.


Posted on July 1, 2016 and filed under wellness, therapy.


This term continues to come up for me and resonate in my life in new ways.  For me being vulnerable means "showing up" in all your glory...the good/bad/and all else...

This doesn't mean doing so without fear but rather doing so in spite of fear. Showing up in your life completely, ready to participate in the fullness of what is presented to you day by day is my definition of vulnerability. What does it mean to you?

Posted on July 1, 2015 and filed under trauma, recovery, life, therapy.

The whispers....

Lessons come to us in all forms. Over the last couple of months, I’ve noticed my lessons have been coming from all different directions. What I’ve realized is that they have always been there….the “whispers” of life. What happens when we don’t stop and listen to the whisper? Well…the whisper continues and becomes bigger and greater until you do. Life is a classroom and it is up to you to learn the lessons and make necessary changes. Change is unsettling and a little topsy -turvy but what I do know is that change will occur whether you are ready or not. You can ride out the storm or fight against the tide, either way…you will be tossed. 
A recent quote I have fallen in love with says “All movement brings risk of injury. Real transformation is not easy or painless.”

So my friends, with that in will you slow down to listen to the whisper and pay attention to the lessons?

Posted on May 28, 2015 and filed under recovery, trauma, life, therapy.


Change and transition is part of the cycle of life. When we resist change, we invite suffering. When we embrace change, lean into the discomfort and allow ourselves to be stretched, then and only then will we grow beyond our comfort zone.

What will you do the next time change comes? resist or lean in?

Posted on March 18, 2015 and filed under life, recovery, therapy, trauma.

You Can ALWAYS Begin Again...

Ground zero. Starting from where you are......

Its June! We are mid-year already! Soon we'll be raking leaves and shoveling snow (ok...I tend to think a bit far into the future:). It is true that we are at the halfway point of the year. For some, this is a time to enjoy, kick back and relax. For others, its a time to reflect on "New Years resolutions" or goals set and measure progress. However you choose to spend this month, it does represent renewal, new beginnings and time passing.....

In thinking about this, I realize most people have a tendency to look at things through the black/white lens, all or nothing, glass half empty type thinking. What if we looked at the glass as half full and every day, every moment, as a new opportunity to "begin again?"  This concept of beginning again may suggest starting over, but looking is really about just that...beginning again. My interpretation of that is "starting from where you are..." Dont throw away progress made towards the goal. All isnt lost. The glass is half full and there is room for shades of gray. Starting from where you are, means forgetting yesterday and what did or did not happen. Forgetting this morning's wickedly hectic crazy commute which caused you to be late for an important work meeting and....starting from where you are. In this, no matter what has happened, or not, before this present moment, it doesnt matter, because you can simple start from here....

Posted on February 1, 2015 and filed under trauma, therapy, recovery, life.

The Forgotten Body...

So I am obsessed with "Ted talks" and have included two of my favorites. Content is very different but the common theme is about not allowing shame to silence. One challenges the dogma that influences what society thinks a woman's body and appearance should be and look like, while the other challenges the stigma of mental illness and reluctance in asking for and seeking support. Both topics I am passionate about.

Recently I had a minor foot surgery (on both feet...not a great idea) and had an unexpected visceral reaction to the scars left behind. I can only describe it as a sense of sympathy and remorseful sadness for the thought of what my body had just endured (mind you, the scar was small...). So although my reaction was bigger than the circumstance, it caused me to think about the pain and suffering we put our bodies through for the sake of trying to meet and adhere to societal expectations; to assimilate, if you will. Instead of reverence, we have developed a deep unappreciation for the human body and the natural beauty it envelopes. I was gently reminded of the bodies amazing capacity to heal itself, under the right conditions, under the right circumstances. Although this video talks about the body from a size perspective, I think the principle is the same.  Find an appreciation for your body and know that human nature has a way of adjusting and correcting flaws in its very own natural way. If the body can heal itself, can we also heal our thinking and boldly challenge stereotypes?
Courageous beauty: Brittany Gibbons at TEDxBGSU ...

The second talk is about a young, talented comedian's once very private battle with depression. He discusses the consequences of keeping this secret and challenges the stigma around sharing such information, in an effort to challenge others in doing the same.

Confessions of a Depressed Comic --click below

Posted on April 9, 2014 and filed under trauma, therapy, recovery, life.