Most other professions use tools and other external resources to perform a job or complete a task.  As therapists , our tool or instrument is our self.  Research shows that the therapeutic relationship, the bond between client and therapist, is instrumental in facilitating change. Aside from theory and technique, our most valued tool is the use of our individual selves within the therapeutic relationship. As such, it is incumbent upon us that we do what is necessary to ensure our tools are protected, sharpened if you will.  In this relationship, we bring ourselves, which includes our pasts, our hurts and experiences into the room. It is unavoidable. We're human. In spite of this, we owe it to out clients, ourselves and our commitment to ethical practice to do our very best to know the difference between what is ours, what is the clients and to practice appropriate boundaries and self care. Since the therapeutic relationship is so important, it has to be authentic and we as therapists need, no we deserve, a space to process what comes up personally in the service of helping our clients journey to healing.  It is important for therapists, to have a safe space to continue our personal work as we continue to help others do their personal work.

I encourage you to bring your best self to this work and start by seeking therapeutic support if needed. This is a service I am honored to provide.



(845) 288-0294

Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible.
— Virginia Satir